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A Call for Proper Funding of Oke Ogun Polytechnic Saki (TOPs) | Adesina Julius


Part of the responsibilities of the government of a state may include the creation of new things. Not only that, it must also make sure that the existing ones are preserved. Preservation can take the form of periodic check to ensure effective running, upgrade of necessary materials and repair.

There is no progress without preservation. A government that fails to undertake preservative measures has jeopardized any room for improvement and development. While the citizens perform their duty of electing representatives into power, the elected leaders are equally expected to insure satisfaction and improvement in the state. This contract of reciprocity is to be upheld by both parties when necessary otherwise, it constitutes breach of trust.

I write to call the attention of the state government of Oyo state under the stewardship of Engr. Seyi makinde to the terrible, sorry, deplorable and sympathetic state of The Oke Ogun Polytechnic Saki (Tops) . This institution which seems to be the pride of Oke Ogun region lacks every basic amenities needed to run a school. It has no water supply, epileptic power supply, failing infrastructures, untarred roads, broken chairs and tables among other infrastructural deficits.

It is very obnoxious as the students who choose the choice of schooling at The Oke Ogun Polytechnic (TFOPs) are experiencing in conducive environment. Today the institution is bedeviled with high cost of tuition fees but in contrast a low standard of quality education was being given.

The situation of Oke Ogun Polytechnic Saki is a pathetic one that can not be totally disconnected from the underfunding of the institutions by the sate government of Oyo state.

The students of The Oke Ogun Polytechnic (TOPs) go through the horror living and learning with lecture hall despite being insufficient being in deplorable state with library facilities becoming eyesore. In fact th institution can not boast of having a well equipped and modern library.

Over the years the students have to pay more to fund the institutions, which the brunt of governmental failure to fund education should not be on the student and the students should not be unnecessary charged outrageously for education.

The most shocking is this underfunded polytechnic is the only state owned higher learning of institution Oke Ogun indigenes can boast of, whereas some region are blessed with two to three state own institution, despite the fact that a bill of autonomy was passed on the polytechnic (TOPs) years back . As autonomy as it was, the polytechnic has suffered a setback and lack the necessary amenities needed to function as a polytechnic.
The institutions has failed to achieve the purpose of autonomy due to lack adequate funding.

However, It appears that it is the character of the new government to do projects in places where there are bulky votes or they would be praised in high heavens. Perhaps, schools deserve no structural impacts especially a school where students do not vote pretty much like Oke Ogun Polytechnic which is not Lauthech.

Today I make bold to say that; we the people of Oke Ogun must not be an exception, we must be accorded maximum and undeniable right to proper funding of our institutions (TOPs). We all know that a society which fail to invest heavily on the education of the youth produce uniformed, uncultured and weak leader’s at the helm of affairs of the state.

The state government should please sink a borehole and construct buildings and tar those road inside the campus under strict supervision and close monitoring. I know that Oke Ogun as a region is quite unlucky with leaders or people who represent them, I would have requested from them to use their discretion to facilitate developmental and structural project to the institutions.

Thou the activities of Governor Seyi Makinde in recent time has distinguished him to be worthy of the position he is today, which I wholeheartedly commend him for the giant strides he’s achieving while in office, it is not in my character to praise public officer’s but I see it as a necessity to give kudos to any public officer driven with the desire to redifine the narrative of our politics, which I hope he sustain such while implementing policies that would aid the betterment of lives of the citizen.

It is on this basis I demand that the state government of Oyo state should properly fund our one and only The Oke Ogun polytechnic Saki (TOPs).

Adesina Julius .O (Prestige) writes from Igbeti.

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