By Kayode Ejidiran Aluta Kay

” Let nobody fool you,all the loud noises we hear today are nothing but the death groans of the dying system. The old order is passing away,the new order is coming into being. But whenever there is anything new there are new responsibilities. As we think of this coming new world we must think of the challenge that we confront and the new responsibilities that stand before us. We must prepare to live in a new world.”


Greatest Nigeria Students, we salute your sense of forbearance and fortitude in this epochal season of attacks from all fronts on Nigerian Students, vis victimization of student activists on our campuses and the astronomical increment in fees payable on all our campus,among many others.
NANS as the most virile and vibrant association and the largest Student’s apex body in Africa has an historical and generational role which it was been playing from time immemorial as seen in the noble and enviable record of our NANS history and it becomes fundamental that we continue struggle scientifically in order to sustain and maintain our revolutionary pride as an association in the comity of others.

Over the past few months, I have been in the trenches,sleeves rolled up,cuffs drawn and having the privilege of God,I have pushed on with the NANS SUSTAINING THE MISSION TO REBUILD AGENDA. I have been at sea for weeks and I have shared my concerns with too many people and I have made it clear that my aspiration is driven by collective purpose. I have had the fortune to interact with many who like me, are truly worried about our prospects as a student and as member of National Association of Nigerian Students.

The stakes are high,the stones are not good, the problems we face are real,merely recounting the travails that Students,in the multitude have to undergo is painful,astronomical increment in fees payable, victimization of Students Union leader’s among others. We have written at length on the issues on various social media platform ,we have spoken in different campuses, senate sitting, public and private transporters and the privacy of out thought.

My interaction with distinguished numbers of Nigerian Students across the Zones of our dear Association convince me beyond doubt that they are all feeling what I am feeling as regard our dear Association purported hijack by old generation.
I strongly believe you all understand that our generation is well equipped, experienced and intelligent enough to lead NANS in this era which necessitate collective call for a chance yo showcase our leadership prowess as Young cadre in struggle.

My aspiration is borne out of passion to correct bad impression about our generation as Youth and Student who had been a victim of misconception and perceived not ready to lead following poor coordination of our activities and misinterpretation of students. We must see my aspiration as generational battle ,it is not all about KAYODE EJIDIRAN as a person but it is now all about our generation in struggle as young breeds with clear vision,purposeful, reasoning and intelligentsia determination to rebuild our dear NANS to an enviable standard.

Surely, many politicking will come, financial inducement will follow, intimidation and harassment will join but with our resolution as young revolutionaries we shall deliver our agenda against all odds. Keep faith with me as I won’t let you down as your fellow radical ideologist in the struggle.


I am not here to share with you list of programmes but to share with you a vision and a dream of taking NANS to a greater heights.

The cardinal mission trust of my leadership will be to do everything within my capacity to restore the dignity glory and image of NANS and one of the ways I intended to achieve that was by shifting the fulcrum of NANS operations back to the campuses which in my opinion and perhaps inarguably are the main cauldrons of activism and Student Unionism. It is of capital essence we rebuild the image and integrity of NANS to regain her position as true Pressure group,Voice of the Voiceless, Hope of the common Student and true representative of teeming Nigerian Students by reactivating all working relationship with other key stakeholders, agencies and Unions in Education sector (ASUU,NLC,ASUP,NBTE,COEASU etc)

The need is obvious just as the will is physically express in me and my determination to make NANS WORK AGAIN as an ideological base Association. The provision of NANS generally acceptable charter of demand of 1984 Article 39,Part 1 of the schedules recognized only three zones in NANS. Zone A (Sokoto, Kano,Kaduna and Niger), Zone B(Rivers,Cross River, Bendel, Imo, and Anambra) and Zone C (Lagos, Ogun, Oyo, Ondo, Plateau, Benue, Borneo, Kwara, and Gongola).
This is not ordinary archaic working document but insult on the generality of Nigerian Students intelligence, intellectualism and ideology, if elected as President of NANS as a Young Passionate Revolutionary Student, I will update the document using the Senate and the Zonal Coordinator expedite the process to birth new Constitution for the Nigerian Students.

Just as the charter of demands itemized, our struggle shall be purely student and masses oriented, I will not only redeem the image but restructure the association to survive on new foundation. NANS must change look,the image rebranding has started by the present leadership, my complementary effort and robust restructuring antics for our Association will change Public perception about us as Student Leaders in Nigeria an NANS as association in country.


We shall launch a programme of periodic symposia, rallies, seminars, talk shops on NANS programme and national and international issues in order to make NANS mass based and to increase our member’s level of consciousness, awareness, programmes,participation and mobilization.

QUALITATIVE AND FREE EDUCATION- We shall embark on an effective grassroots mobilization of Nigerian Students to defend their legitimate right to free and qualitative education as well as having in place a well organised resistance against government agenda of mass retrenchment of Nigerian students from schools through introduction of hike in school fees and other forms of education commercialization, wholesale and gradual.

INDEPENDENT UNIONISM AND REINSTATEMENT OF ALL UNJUSTLY EXPELLED STUDENTS- We shall promote and support independent unionism in all campuses across the zones as a way of defending students rights and also committed to the reinstatement of all unjustly suspended and expelled students across the Zones.

The Generational Mandate is a course we must not failed to deliver as Young Breed in NANS,the conspiracy net of the old generation may be tick but it can never catch our fish just because we are the shark in the ocean of struggle. Let keep faith as it always impossible until its done. Our Generation must advance from being a perpetual follower,it is out time to leads NANS of Genuine Students to Greatness.
It is time for us to lead, let the old entrust us with power for the first and see the true definition of loyalty with ideological progression.

The world is different now. From man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human intimidation and victimization. And get the sane revolutionary beliefs for which our forefathers bears fought are still at issue around the Association.
We dare not forget that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from time to place ,to friend and for alike,that torch has been passed to a new generation of students born in this era.Let everyone knows ,whether it wishes us well,that we shall pay any price ,bear and burden, meet any hardship and friend, oppose any to assure the survival and the liberation of NANS.

My conscience will not let me rest if I don’t come clear to tell you that the fays ahead will be tough and demand a lot from me and the greatest demand will be of the greater helpless majority of Nigerian Students_ than to align with narrow selfish interest of the opportunistic minority. I see the battle to liberate the fate of NANS that may be imperiled by the actions of some people and the grave consequences of same, I will rise up and speak up. I will not conspire or be a traitor against the thousands who took up to some of us for a secure future in a life resting on assurances of a greater tomorrow.

Although, in the Hand of NANS Peer Brokers and the Deciding Factors, I may not be the most preferred candidate, but surely amongst my Generation, contemporaries and lover of better Student oriented NANS,I remain the Best Option. In appealing time to strike balance between the duo,I remain the Best Alternative to promise Land,where NANS of our Dream shall Become a Reality.

I sincerely hope you join me in the task of building a viable future full of hope._ _I thank you most sincerely for your understanding and anticipated support.

I truly look forward to meet with and engage all of you one on again. Such time present me the opportunity to say my thanks in person and receive the assurances of your support and blessings. I can go no further than I am lifted and placed by your collective efforts and support.


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