Home EDUCATION An Open Letter To Our Neglecting Underperforming Senator || FIBSA

An Open Letter To Our Neglecting Underperforming Senator || FIBSA


Wake up from slumber, Ibarapa Students Advises Oyo South Senator, Sen. Kola Balogun

Dear Distinguished Senator Kola Balogun,

Good day sir, We the ever sagacious students of Ibarapa tremble as we write this note to you especially with the open wound your unfeeling actions have continued to inflict on the generality of Ibarapa Students who you constantly refer to as “leaders of tomorrow”. The profound leadership crisis when combined with the increasingly dangerous politics of neglect, spawns gloomy prognostication about our collective future as students of this senatorial district which we are unfortunately marginalized into.

We write to you today as a concerned and passionate Constituents of your senatorial district in the name of Generation Hope to plead with you and our leaders on behalf of our founding fathers-those who came before you, on behalf of our generation (Generation Hope)- those to come after you and for the most part, on behalf of hundreds and thousands of Ibarapa Students, now is the time for you to listen to the voices and cries of our generation and we all crying in one voice Enough is Enough.

Dear Senator Kola Balogun, we are doubtful whether this your system can be refocused to make any modicum of progress in the realm of the educational life of our dear district. This is largely because the statements and body language towards our region as far as students is concerned have being bias, contradictory and cacophonous. There are also the problems of near absence of charismatic leadership skills coupled with poor administrative acumen by you with due respect. It is rather unfortunate that when is it all going to stop? When are you and our other leaders going to start bringing hope to the thousands of hopeless students across our senatorial district? we just can’t fathom how a senator like you choosed to belittle a student Republic like FIBSA, only for you to come back during Electioneering period. We are aware of your hefty salaries and allowance, yet you find it extremely difficult to give out common bursary to the students Republic. If you keenly take note, we have choosed to use Republic because we are Country on our own, that no individual must ever sideline or neglect.

Mr. Senator, let me be frank with you, if anyone tells you that you are doing well, the person must actually be a run away patient from Yaba left or absconded patient of Aro Abeokuta. I expected a distinguished personality like you to have learnt from history but reversed is the case. Let me remind you perhaps if you have forgetten, you won against a mighty Incumbent Sitting Governor of our dear state in the last election not because you have done anything special in the past, but rather as a victim of circumstances. Instead of seizing the rare opportunity to perform extraordinarily, you are instead performing below par

In FIBSA, the wind of change is blowing and definitely when we say this, we speak on behalf of our generation; OUR generation DOES NOT want to be left behind. Now is the time for every Students of Ibarapaland to start benefiting for the Senatorial district’s commonwealth, now is the time for you and our leaders to start investing into the future of our students and youth, and now is the time for you and our leaders to start looking beyond political, tribal, ethnic and religious differences and put emphasis on those things that bring us all together as a formidable district in Oyo State and Nigeria as a whole.

The last time we checked, Ibarapa Students are still very much part of your Senatorial district. We can vividly remember the Last FIBSA Senate Program we held, FIBSA have to go far down to Oyo North Senatorial district to invite the Ever Ready Senator Buhari Abdul fatai to our program, when our senator is no where to be found. This is a big slap on our face, even though we choose to be silent then. Funny enough, two weeks you gave the scorecard of your two years in Office, which is a big hall of shame and display of mediocrity at the zenith level for Citing wrong Project location and Audio Constituency projects. We FIBSA only choosed to be cautious, We don’t want fibsa to be seen as Political tool, nevertheless we can’t watch our region being cheated. Dear Senator, Please don’t take our gentility for TIMIDITY.

It may also interest you to know that we are pushed to the wall. Our parents are beginning to see us as unproductive rascals. This, our Senator, we must confess is an irredeemable embarrassment to a district that prides herself as the heart of Oyo State. Your attitude and approach are disturbingly predictable, so shocking, so unimaginative and very much characteristic of your predecessors in those dark days who watched helplessly as cherished values of leadership standard run utterly to seed and the whole system took its quantum leap into mediocrity and darkness.

There’s still a whole lot you can do in the remaining part of your tenure as a Senator, to write your name in gold. Sir, you can still enact laws that will have direct positive impact on the people, you can still employ your influence as a Senator to champion developmental causes towards Oyo south and Oyo State as a whole. Sidelingling the Students Republic of Ibarapa might be extremely dangerous for you sir. Will heaven falls if you give out Bursary to our students or give us a bus we have been yearning for? This apparently will take nothing from your oceanic purse.

You can still be that Senator that will be eternally loved and revered by his people for his sacrificial, statesmanlike and honourable actions and not disliked for his personal and phoney ambitions of 2023, that’s only if you take this letter with good heart, then amend to incorporate and prioritize the Students Republic as part and parcel of your government. While anticipating a responsive action on the points raised above, we hope that you give this letter your outmost attention and consideration because a stich in time saves Nine.

Yours in Struggle, Ever Combatants Students People’s Republic Of Ibarapaland. Contact@fibsang.com


Ogunjobi Oladimeji Feranmi
National President

Ogunlowo Soji Aderemi
National Senate President

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