Home NEWS Unibadan Alumnus Becomes the First Nigerian Student To Win CAS Award

Unibadan Alumnus Becomes the First Nigerian Student To Win CAS Award


A former student of the Univerisity of Ibadan, Dr. Ekundayo Samuel has been selected to join the 2020 class of the prestigious leadership program; Chemical Abstract Services (CAS) Future Leaders Program.

Dr. Samuel (DVM Ibadan, M.Sc (Biochemistry) is a one-time University of Ibadan Scholar and a 2017 Commonwealth Split-site Ph.D. Scholar to the University of Bath, United Kingdom.

Being the first Student from Nigerian University to win this award, he was selected alongside 30 elite Ph.D. and Postdoctoral scholars from across the world to win this year’s competition.

As a beneficiary of this award, Dr. Samuel alongside others will receive a fully paid trip to CAS Headquarters in Columbus, Ohio, USA from August 10-15, 2020 and a trip to the American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting and Exposition from August 16-20, 2020 in San Francisco, California, USA.

Added to these benefits are certificate of distinction to become a life member of CAS; a 3-year prepaid ACS membership and $1000.

Dr. Samuel has also been awarded an American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET) Mentoring Network award to participate in the Coaching for Career Development Program from 2019 to 2020. Also, Ekundayo is the first student from any Nigerian university and one of two in any African University to receive this award since its inception in 2016.

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