Home NEWS The End of Makindes’ Political Dynasty || Awokunle Michael

The End of Makindes’ Political Dynasty || Awokunle Michael


It is widely known, the unpopular activities of Oyo State Governor on his ways of forcefully extorting the masses of the Pacesetter’s State.

Many could relate and actively criticize the #100 (One hundred naira per head) additional transportation fee being forced on traders and travellers plying Ojoo to Oyo, Ogbomoso, Ilorin and other part of the northern State. The different retailers trading on a daily basis in Ibadan, Oyo and beyond including traders of the popular Oyo bread and other farm product finds it difficult to go about thier dailly activities as prices of transportation skyrocket, the few ones that are able to afford the movement had to automatically inflate proces of thier mechandize to a 150%.

The Oyo-Ibadan route commercial drivers cuss and lament all the time for the unjust treatment they get from the state government and officials, they are not allowed to operate accordingly. Mostly because it is the busses belonging to the Park Managers System Executives and close allies that would be allowed loading without been on turn, the other regular drivers on turn could not complain this unfair treatment for fear of being brutalised by the park hoodlums loyal only to the executives.

It is clearly on record how Engr. Seyi Makinde hijacked the People Democratic Party, singlehandedly hand-picked the State Executives, delegates and relegated everyone that brought him to limelight in and out of the party. All of these will surely spell doom for him as other contestants are ready to legitimately wrestle power from him.

Yes! His Excellencys’ political hallelujah boys tagged as GSMist and GSM advocate are only demonstrating the orchestrated drama intended to deceive the masses but too bad for them, the electorate already knows that all the hype is because of the stipends they get as part of thier so-called national cake.

The Governor seem to forget easily how the victory of Sen. Kola Balogun who was the only surviving PDP senator and Dr Saubana Muraina boosts his chances of winning the number one sit of Oyo State. Now he spits on the people that helped him by not giving them a levelled playing ground against some people that have no impacts in resurrecting the dead party before 2019 elections.

In less than a year to the time of penciling down my thoughts, the ungrounded Political Dynasty of Engr. Seyi Makinde will become a forgotten history no thanks to his self centeredness and greedy acts.

Otunba Awokunle Michael writes from Akinyele LG.

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