As Idi Amin led Uganda from 1971 to 1979 as the de facto Military President, same fate as been considered to that of the National Union of Food, Beverage and Tobacco Employees of Nigeria (NUFBTE) as our fate has been hanging on neither de jure nor Democratic president, rather, a defacto president, Mr. Lateef Oyelekan who is the modern day Idi Amin.

While the most basic feature that characterized democracy is the process of Periodic Election as seen in Associations, States, Countries and other geographical entity that accepted democracy, however, NUFBTE is nothing similar as the freedom to elect leaders for the past 14 years has been truncated while our rights were supressed and our freedom were limited.
Tracing the emergence of the dictator, Mr. Lateef Idowu Oyelekan who emerged in 2008 after canvassing for votes through his lies and dubious means was elected in Nassarawa State. While canvassing for votes, he promised, “I will ensure that no President does more than two terms and it will be enshrined in the Constitution”, while the Constitution itself is now a shadow of itself as it cannot guide and protect itself from shambles of Oyelekan Administration, members were left with just Hope in God as two terms promised was now 3 terms with fourth term elongation of tenure in progress.
Countries break diplomatic ties with Uganda during Idi Amin’s regime, but Oyelekan brute force has seen more than Amin’s government. More than 2000 employees that were resisting the elongation of tenure of Oye had been sacked, General Secretary has been dismissed, Deputy General Secretary has been demoted and transferred and Freedom fighters such as Comrade IG Yusuf, Comrade Tope Akinsola, Comrade Charles Atisele, Comrade Godwin Uyok etc. has met with the brutality of Oyelekan without mercy.
Like the Yoruba do say, “Lai Kin Se Oye Idile” (when it’s not your family’s position), NUFBTE is slowly becoming Lateef Oyelekan family position has he has been slowly empowering his son to take over from him while learning same wickedness and lack of compassion from his beloved father. While conniving with the Management of Wamco, he fought his way so his son could be part of the Management’s Board, while this dark business is going, Nigerian Labour Congress has been watching NUFBTE member to languish and suffer from Oyelekan’s brutality without remorse .
Against all odds, we remain undeterred, we shall emerge victorious.